Beef shares are the most economical way to purchase large quantities of meat. Keep your freezer full and enjoy the benefits of buying in bulk.
Prices are estimated and based on the animals actual hanging weight. Processing not included. Shipping not available at this time.
To learn more or to reserve a Quarter/Half/Whole beef, please email [email protected] or call 406-253-8732.
Quarter $4.97 lb- $745.00 + Processing Estimated 90 lb take home weight
Half $4.27 lb- $1280.00 + Processing Estimated 180 lb take home weight
Whole $3.82 lb- $2290.00 + Processing Estimated 360 lb take home weight
“Cathey Cattle Co, we wanted to let you know that the 1/2 of beef we purchased a year ago exceeded our expectations! 100% satisfied and would recommend you to others. Again thank you!” The Thompson’s